Saturday, February 9, 2013

Android: Stephanie Speck Gallery

Stephanie Speck Gallery

Made With:

In the movie, Johnny's friend Stephanie helped him to become accepted.
So I thought that a picture gallery for star who played Stephanie Speck would be appropriate for Johnny to have in his arsenal of software.
The above app is written and compiled for API level 17, or 4.2 JellyBean in layman's terms and makes use of a couple of different views and Toast notifications to signal picture changes.
The user can swipe the image gallery to progress through the images and select the image for larger display by touching with their finger.
This activity will later be added to Johnny's 5's main control app.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Neck Servo and Voice Lights

J5's Head Assembly

Little J needed a neck and voice lights to make him more like his big brother, and, after much research, I found it would be way too expensive to try and buy actuators and custom fit electronics to be able to allow for all the possible degrees of freedom that johnny would need to be like the big model. \

So, I simply glued a 9g micro servo on the top of the 3rd hands and then appled the custom voice box that I fabricated out of an old linsys router.

To make the box, I dismantled the front assembly and broke out the old led pins and then affixed new leds with a common cathode wiring scheme. The wire was harvested from an old PSU and then J5 held the whole thing together while the solder was hardening.

This setup allows for the Ultrasonic Sonar to be able to sweep and have a degree of planar freedom so that Johnny can look at you when he talks to you, and uninterrupted view of the flashing lights as he talks.

The lights will be wired up to the GIPO using WebIDE for remote automous control.