Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Johnny Gets A Third Motor

In the Movie, Johnny has a really cool multi-tool hand that he uses for all sorts of useful tools. I figured little johnny could use something like this to make him appear more true to form and to be able to do more useful things.

Johnny's Third Arm (Not a Machine Gun)

This motor will be either used by the M-Shield or hooked up to the arduino or pi directly through PWM using boolean expressions to control a software switch connected up to a regulated 9v battery. This allows less control of the motor directly, as the functions available would only allow the motor to turn on and off. If you look at the above picture, you may notice that the motor is mounted to the third hand (of the third hand) which allows for realistic articulation of the arm that hold the motor. This will add to the realism of the project and be better to re-create the actual motions of the real Johnny 5.
For kicks and giggles, here's another pic of Johnny.

Johnny holding his tread motors as they are JB Welded.

One fun thing about this project so far, is how useful johnny has actually been in his construction. He likes holding things as they are dried, and does all of his own holding of sodder wires.
I Look Mah-va-lous!!!!
He doesn't know how to actually solder (yet). 

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