Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Motor Building

 Motor with bearing (removed from wheel) JB welding together

So Johnny 5 needed some tank treads to get him moving. For this, I googled tank treads and got this instructable.

Terminator Wheels

Johnny 5 uses terminator abec 3 wheels loaded with BBS and then jb welded.
I used some old bike chain that I cleaned up to fit around the wheel.

Cleaning dirty chains can be a dangerous process. Safety first! 

To clean the chains I dipped the chains in wd-40 for two days, agitaging the solution whenever possible. Then I wiped off excess rust with a paper towel, then placed the chains into a glass jar where I covered it with carb cleaner and left outside for 2 nice days.

Finally, I took the drill with a dremel brush to the links after securing the chain to the table using hammer clamps. it's possible to use a wirewheel on this as well, like you would clean a chainsaw chain, but the dremel bit was far less dangerous, so I could be more exact when poslishing the newely restored chains.

Motor being JB welded using Johnny5's skeleton and some paint caps.

More work will continue on this tomorrow as I attempt to find some locking washers and wing nuts to attach a 1\8 PVC  half then expoxied and covered in rubber that was salvaged from an old sign found at the junkyard.

I'm using rubber to help protect against wear to my floors and to provide grip. 

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